Table of Contents
Transform Deformer
This deformer allows for a mesh to be deformed using a normal transformation (position, rotation, scale), optionally limited by a weight map.
Since deformers can be stacked, multiple Transform Deformers can be applied to different parts of a mesh, separated by weight maps.
Reference Item
This allows you to use an item to define the change in Position, Rotation or Scale.
World Coordinates
If this is enabled, all transformations will be in world coordinates.
If a Reference Item is selected, the transformation groups down below will not be available.
Weight Map
This allows for selecting a weight map which limits the influence of the transformation on a per vertex basis.
Weight maps can also be used to separate parts of a mesh, by setting the respective vertices to 100% while the unrelated ones remain at 0%.
Position / Rotation / Scale / Pivot
The transformation groups. These allow for fine grained control of which transformation is being applied.
Individual control for them is is not available if World Coordinates is on and a Reference Item has been selected.
This defines how the current transformation group is controlled. This setting is not available if World Coordinates is on and a Reference Item has been selected.
- Disable This transformation group is ignored.
- Keyframed The keyframed values are being used.
- Use Item The values from the selected Reference Items are being used.
XYZ/HPB Values
The values for the current transformation group. These may be animated using envelopes.
This is the plugin of the month for May 2021, made possible by the finest patrons on Patreon.
Sponsored by Mikael “Cageman” Burman.