Known Issues
Unfortunately some things just never work they way they should. We tried to squash every bug we encountered, however sometimes it wasn't possible due to circumstances outside of our control.
Please note that newer releases of LightWave 3D or infiniMap might have solved some of these issues. Please check regularly for updates.
Here is a short list of known issues and a collection of workarounds that should make your life easier in critical situations:
- infiniMap can't convert TGA or IFF ILBM images. It uses the plugin based image loaders provided with LightWave 3D directly and these two formats are not loaded using plugins. You can either load them into Layout and convert them from there, or convert them to a different format, such as PNG, outside of LightWave 3D.
infinimap2018/known_issues.txt · Last modified: 2019/12/11 10:32 by lightwolf