Table of Contents

Spline Preferences

This Master Plugin defines the defaults for splines in the current scene. The settings are saved with the scene.


Show Knots

Displays a small circle at the position of the knots in the viewport.

Show Start/End Knots

Displays a small circle at the position of the starting and ending knot of a spline in the viewport. This uses the colours defined below.

Start Colour

This is the colour used to draw the first knot in a spline (if Show Start/End Knots is enabled) and also to draw the main handle of the incoming control point of a knot.

End Colour

This is the colour used to draw the last knot in a spline (if Show Start/End Knots is enabled) and also to draw the main handle of the outgoing control point of a knot.

Selected Spline / Deselected Spline

The following settings are available for selected and deselected spline. This allows you to reduce clutter in the viewport for splines that aren't selected.

Display Steps per Knot

This is used when the spline is selected and drawn into a viewport.

The value is number of lines drawn in the layout viewport per span to approximate the shape of the spline. The higher the value, the smoother the viewport representation is. However, a larger value also takes longer to draw and uses a bit more memory.

This value can be quite low if you have many splines in your scene and the ones you don't have selected don't have to be as precise.

Line Width

The width of the lines used to draw a selected spline in the viewports in pixels.

Display Alignment

This shows the orientation along the spline as well as the influence of the up vector.