====== UV Transform ====== This Modeler tool allows you to move, scale and rotate the selected UVs in the UV view. UVs can also be fit to a section of the UV space. ===== Viewport Handles ===== {{ :tools:pasted:20200714-174315.png}} The viewport handles support the **ctrl** or **shift** modifiers ((**alt** is not available as it pans the view)). However, only either one of them and they need to be pressed before a handle is selected in the viewport. The following handles are available: ==== Position ==== This is the cross at the centre of the selected UVs. It can be moved to reposition the UVs. Pressing **ctrl** prior to selecting the handle will constrain it to the U of V axis, depending on the position of the mouse cursor. ==== Rotation ==== The rotation of the selection can be edited interactively using the circle around the centre of the UVs. Just clicking and dragging will change the angle. If **ctrl** is pressed while the handle is selected, the angle will change in steps of 15°. If **shift** is pressed while the handle is selected, the selection will align to the position of the mouse cursor in relation to the selection centre. ==== Edge Handles ==== There are four handles at the edges of the selection, they scale on the U or V axis respectively. If a handle is selected, moving it will scale and re-position in such a way that the opposite edge is not affected. If **shift** is pressed while selecting the handle, the opposite handle will scale as well. ==== Corner Handles ==== There are four handles at the corners of the selection. These will scale the UVs along both U and V while the opposite corner doesn't move. Pressing **ctrl** before the handle is selected will scale it proportionally to the current scale. Pressing **shift** before the handle is selected will scale the opposite corner as well. ==== Scale Handle ==== This will scale the selected UVs proportionally around their centre. Pressing **ctrl** while selecting the handle will scale along the UV directions seperately. ===== GUI controls ===== You can press 'n' to open the numeric panel which contains the following controls: ==== Position U/V ==== The centre position of the UVs. ==== Size U/V ==== The size of the UVs as a percentage of the original selection. ==== Rotation U/V ==== The rotation of the UVs. ==== Fit.. ==== ==== Snap to Grid ==== Snaps all interactions in the viewport to the grid as provided by Modeler. Unfortunately this grid has very tiny steps. ---- [[https://www.patreon.com/dbw|{{ ::become_a_patron_button.png?nolink|}}]] This is the plugin of the month for June 2020, made possible by the finest patrons on [[https://www.patreon.com/dbw|Patreon]].