====== Keyboard shortcuts for the editor ====== The frameD editor provides numerous to speed up working with it. ^ Shortcut ^ Function ^ | <- / -> | Scrub to the previous/next frame, selecting it (and deselecting all other frames). | | Ctrl + <- / -> | Swap the contents of the current frame with the previous/next frame. | | Alt + <- / -> | Change the image for the currently selected frame to the previous/next frame respectively, alphabetically sorted. \\ The first frame in the sorted list is (none). | | Space | Select the current frame, deselect all others. | | Ctrl + Space | Toggle the selection state of the current frame | | a | Select all frames | | d | Deselect all frames | | i | Invert (toggle) the frame selection | | -^ / -\ | Change the current frame to the previous/next frame. Does not modify the selection. | | Shift + -^ / -\ | Change the current frame to the previous/next frame, adding it to the selection. | | Ctrl + -^ / -\ | Copy the currently selected frames to to the previous/next frames, keeping the copy selected. | | Shift + Ctrl + -^ / -\ | Move the currently selected frames to the previous/next frames (setting the original frames to blank), keeping the moved frames selected.| |-|Clear the selected images (set them to (none))| |+|Load an image or sequence into the current frame| |F1|Display the help panel| |F10|Display the About panel| |Esc|Close the editor (saving the project automatically, just in case)| |o|Load a project| |s|Save a project| |Alt-s|Save a project without prompting for a file name| |e|Export a project as an IFL file| |c|Copy selection to clipboard| |x|Cut selection to clipboard| |v|Paste from Clipboard| |u|Undo (only edits, not selections)| |r|Redo (only edits, not selections)| <-master_plugin| ^|^file_formats|->